- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Background to the Proposed Development
- Chapter 3 Consideration of Reasonable Alternatives
- Chapter 4 Description of the Proposed Development
- Chapter 5 Population and Human Health
- Chapter 6 Biodiversity
- Chapter 7 Ornithology
- Chapter 8 Land Soils and Geology
- Chapter 9 Hydrology and Hydrogeology
- Chapter 10 Air & Climate
- Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration
- Chapter 12 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Chapter 13 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Chapter 14 Material Assets
- Chapter 15 Vulnerability to Major Accidents and Natural Disasters
- Chapter 16 Interactions of the Foregoing
- Chapter 17 Schedule of Mitigation and Monitoring
- Bibliography
- Appendix 2-1 Scoping Responses
- Appendix 2-2 Community Report
- Appendix 2-3 Development Managment Standards
- Appendix 2-4 Planning Applications in the Surrounding Landscape
- Appendix 4-1 Site Layout
- Appendix 4-1a Drainage Design
- Appendix 4-2 Peat & Spoil Management Plan
- Appendix 4-3 Construction Environment Management Plan
- Appendix 4-4 Ballivor Amenity Layout
- Appendix 4-5 Decommissioning Plan
- Appendix 5-1 Wind Farms & Health Literature Review – Chapman 2015
- Appendix 5-2 House Prices Study – CXC Scotland 2016
- Appendix 6-1 Botanical Study
- Appendix 6-2 Bat Survey Assessment Report
- Appendix 6-3 Aquatic Report
- Appendix 6-4 Confidential-Badger Setts Cover
- Appendix 6-5 Habitat Enhanacement Management Plan
- Appendix 6-6 BnM Cutaway Peatland Rehab Plans
- Appendix 7-1 Species List
- Appendix 7-2 Survey Effort
- Appendix 7-3 Summary Tables
- Appendix 7-4 Survey Data
- Appendix 7-5 Confidential Appendix Cover
- Appendix 7-6 Collision Risk Assessment
- Appendix 7-7 Bird Monitoring Programme
- Appendix 8-1 Peat Stability Assessment
- Appendix 9-1 Flood Risk Assessment
- Appendix 9-2 Original Laboratory Reports
- Appendix 9-3 Water Framework Directive Assessment
- Appendix 10-1 Carbon Balance Calculations
- Appendix 11-1 Glossary of Acoustic Terminology
- Appendix 11-2 Calibration Certs
- Appendix 11-3 Noise Modelling Parameters
- Appendix 11-4 Predicted Omni-directional Noise Levels
- Appendix 11-5 Noise Contour Map
- Appendix 12-1 Cultural Heritage Photograph Log
- Appendix 12-2 Peatland Survey Report 2005
- Appendix 12-3 Human Remains Find Spot Report 2003
- Appendix 12-4 Westmeath & Meath Archaeology & Cultural Heritage Objectives
- Appendix 13-1 LVIA Methodology
- Appendix 13-2 LCA Assessment Tables
- Appendix 13-3 Assessment of Photomontages
- Appendix 13-4 Photomontage Booklet
- Appendix 13-5 (A0 Map) LVIA Baseline
- Appendix 14-1 Collett Swept Path Analysis Assessment
- Appendix 14-2 Traffic Management Plan
- Appendix 14-3 Telecommunications Impact Study